Why Does the world need our opinion

The past 2 decades have seen a significant change in the way the world looks at a common man. In the past a common man was someone who could be fooled easily and will sway with the tide rather than voice out his opinion. Things have changed today. Our opinion counts. The world cannot ignore the common man anymore.We make the world and we can change it. You are at the right place.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Its difficult to read newspapers or watch TV News today

Its difficult to read or watch news today. Why? All news of how people lost their lives in the terror attack. Newspapaers filled with obituary. Brings tears to your eyes when you read about how people lost their lives or how some were lucky to have a narrow escape. Imagine you were in their place how it feels can't imagine. Think of the aftermath that has been created due to this. What will be state of a person's mind who witnessed this? Trauma ? Fear ? Can't say. I ponder why is Life is so cruel sometimes. There are som many beautiful things in that life has to give. But as says with every positive there is a negative and with every success there is a failure. That is the philosophy of life. Look at the photos of crematoriums in the newspaper. 4-5 bodies burning at the sametime. Tears all around.
But with all this life goes on. Time is the biggest healer for everyone. But this event will last in everyones mind for a long long time.

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