Why Does the world need our opinion

The past 2 decades have seen a significant change in the way the world looks at a common man. In the past a common man was someone who could be fooled easily and will sway with the tide rather than voice out his opinion. Things have changed today. Our opinion counts. The world cannot ignore the common man anymore.We make the world and we can change it. You are at the right place.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Why This Hatred ?

What are the terrorists trying to prove ?
Innocent people have been killed by the attack on Mumbai on 26th and 27th November. It was a completely planned operation. It is said that the planning started 2-3 months back and was executed on those black days. A look at some of those terrorists is dreadly as they are in their twenties. Young chaps become cowards of the highest level. This has been an attack of its own kind never seen before in the world. But why? Is it to show that their group has been tormented so much that they are seeking revenge? Who put so much of poison inside them? The execution of the plan was very professional. Who taught them all this? These will be some of the questions that will be asked by the common man. Mumbai people have been devastated by this attack so much so even when a small sound is heard people fear it as a gunshot.
Just think about the people who died. May be they were the only bread earners from their family who had gone to CST station for some work or returning from work when they were shot dead. Can life be worst than this.
Its been well said the spirit of Mumbaikars is always high. Yes people did go to work even on the 27th N0v. But will you call it spirit or helplessness of making it to work to earn money. This magic city is becoming famous in the world everyday not by its good things but such attacks.
Its easy to say that we will not bow down to terrorism but what is the cost of it. When America was attacked, when Gujrat blasts took place, Delhi Blasts. Bangalore blasts what was done ????
As a responsible citizen of this country we should be united at this difficult time
The fear still wanders whats next ?

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